Betekenis van:
stay in place

to stay in place
    • be stationary



    1. People stay in one place while meditating.
    2. Can you recommend me a place to stay in London?
    3. Can you recommend a place to stay in London?
    4. Can you recommend to me a place to stay in London?
    5. They like variety; they don't like to stay in just one place.
    6. Can you recommend a place for me to stay in London?
    7. Institution in the place of residence or stay 2.1
    8. Institution in the place of residence or stay:
    9. Institution in the place of residence or stay
    10. Institution in the place of residence or stay: 8.1
    11. Obligation to stay/reside in a certain place
    12. in theCzech Republic,the‘Úřad práce’ (employment office) in the place of residence or stay;
    13. …. …. 4. Institution in the place of residence or stay Competent institution 4.1 Name: …. 4.2
    14. To be completed by the institution in the place of residence or stay
    15. Institution in the place of residence or stay Competent institution 4.1